I am officially closer to 30 than 20! So what’s better to do than to make a list of things to achieve this year. I have attempted these kind of lists where you complete as many goals as years old you are before. Usually I fail miserably, but I have decided to give it a go again this year. Right now I am on a goal list making kick so I am hoping for success. At least this year I actually completed writing the list so I am already ahead of the game.
1. Go on a “honeymoon”
2. Cook 5 new meals.
3. Sew a quilt.
4. Travel somewhere new.
5. Write and mail 5 letters.
6. Go one month with no Target shopping.
7. Volunteer.
8. Get a new passport and use it.
9. Purchase missing charms on bracelet.
10. Submit wedding publications.
11. Save “x” amount money each month into saving.
12. Do a month photo challenge.
13. Draw a floor plan for house.
14. Create 5 D.I.Y. Projects
15. Bike to downtown and back from our house.
16. Start a new retirement plan.
17. Continue to do Project Life in 2015.
18. Organize all our photos on the desktop computer in a system.
19. Photograph 10 new clients.
20. Completely finish re-doing “Family Room”
21. Completely finish 2 vacation trip scrapbooks.
22. Write down more stories.
23. Enjoy this year as a family of 2.
24. Submit scrapbook layout.
25. Create complete branding for photography
26. Draw up plan for flower beds in yard.